Effective actions we're taking to ensure equal and unbiased pay

What is the Gender Pay Gap?

The Gender Pay Gap is different from Equal Pay/Gender Pay Parity.

‘Equal Pay’ refers to people of different genders being paid equally for performing the same or similar job/function/work responsibilities.

<aside> ⚖️ The Gender Pay Gap refers to differences in pay between men and women documented through various statistics. The Gender Pay Gap shows the difference in the average hourly rate of pay between women and men in an organisation, expressed as a percentage of average male earnings.


Impala's Commitment to Gender Parity

We're committed to building a fully-inclusive organisation; and we can't do that without also being gender-balanced and fair in our pay.

That's why we've placed specific, objective decision-making measures within our hiring practices, promotion procedures, and compensation schemes.

This is important to promoting equalised and unbiased pay.

Actions We're Taking to Support Gender Parity